W Boston Insider W Hotels tasked us to create several of their Insider videos - a series showcasing new and next cook spots around the city from W Head Concierge / Insider team. Here is the one from Boston You Might Also Like SWAY - Dave Tedder / Finding Home / Extended Cut SWAY - Chris Appleton / WonderRoot / Extended Cut Full Lock Media - 2023 Demo Reel (short) Phoenician St. Regis Deer Valley
W Boston Insider W Hotels tasked us to create several of their Insider videos - a series showcasing new and next cook spots around the city from W Head Concierge / Insider team. Here is the one from Boston You Might Also Like SWAY - Dave Tedder / Finding Home / Extended Cut SWAY - Chris Appleton / WonderRoot / Extended Cut Full Lock Media - 2023 Demo Reel (short) Phoenician St. Regis Deer Valley